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Case Studies

MEACC Member Projects


Invasive Plant Initiative

Yarmouth has made a concerted effort

to control a wide variety of invasive terrestrial plants on its various town-owned properties. Read more about how they are tackling this growing problem.

Wayne and Readfield

Vernal Pool Mapping Study

Conservation and development are typically portrayed as a tug-of-war between opposing forces. But they don't have to be so! Read more about the partnership of two Conservation Commissions, the Kennebec Land Trust, and the University of Maine at Orono.


Vernal Pool Mapping Study

Topsham has completed a two year volunteer project to survey vernal pools.  Click the button below to learn of their experiences and lessons learned for others who might consider a similar study.

Bar Harbor

Night Skies Initiative

Bar Harbor has gotten a lot of positive press regarding their "Dark Skies Initiative." Here's the story behind the headlines, a great example of how good conservation can support a local economy.


Natural Areas Plan

Over the past 15 years, the town of Topsham has made great strides in becoming a conservation minded community, in part due to the realization that conservation supports good economic development. 


Freshwater Initiative

The town of Lamoine is situated directly on top of a major aquifer, the source of all the town's drinking water. With a lot of volunteer help, the Lamoine Conservation Commission monitors the quality of that water on an ongoing basis. 


Smart Growth Project

Brunswick has gone to great lengths to protect the rural character of their community. Read about how they do it in this case study.


Protecting Clam Cove

Concern about threats to Clam Cove mobilized the Rockport Conservation Commission. Its experience is a good example of how a municipal conservation commission can have a positive impact on Maine's "quality of place."


Lawns for Lobsters

Linking lawn care to the viability of the lobster catch was not just a catchy title, it was a concept that people in Kennebunkport could understand and respond to. Read about Kennebunkport's Lawns for Lobsters initiative.

Wells Land Bank

The story behind why the Wells Conservation Commission chose its approach -- the Wells Land Bank-- and how its land acquisition continued to evolve, may help give other towns insight into how an acquisition program might work for them too.

The Greening of Falmouth

Falmouth's open-space plan, known as The Greening of Falmouth, has been a springboard for an extraordinary effort that has made Falmouth a leader in conservation.

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Manchester, ME 04351


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